Our Team
Toprope Climbing
One-day course covering the basics of toprope climbing outdoors
Intro to Multipitch
Two-day introductory course on climbing and belaying up multiple pitches
Ascending for Photography
1 evening + 1 day course teaching ascension techniques for photographers
AMGA Single Pitch Instructor Course
Three-day (27 hour) training course for aspiring rock climbing guides/instructors
Intro to Sport Lead
1 afternoon/evening + 1 day course introducing sport leading in the outdoors
Outdoor Bouldering I
One-day course teaching how to boulder safely outdoors
NEW: Gym to Crag
One day course to help facilitate the gym to outdoor climbing transition
NEW: AMGA Single Pitch Instructor Assessment
Two day (16 hour) assessment to certify AMGA Single Pitch Instructors.
Intro to Trad Climbing
1 evening + 1 day course introducing the art of leading on gear
Outdoor Bouldering II
One-day intermediate course to advance your skills in bouldering outdoors
NEW: Multi Pitch Rope Rescue
One day course to build skills to manage and avoid multi pitching mishaps
NEW: Introduction to Big Wall Climbing
Four day (32 hours) course to build skills required to climb beginner Big Walls like The Nose of El Cap.
One day workshop covering the basics of crack climbing technique
Guidebook Interpretation
Four-hour workshop on how to utilize guidebooks to enhance your climbing experience
Anchors, Cleaning & Rappelling
One day workshop on the basics of cleaning anchors and rappelling
Rebolting with the WCC
Four-hour workshop on how to rebolt routes